JPR in the media

JPR Founder Joe Ruffini has been invited by the Cable News Network (CNN) and many local news TV and radio affiliates nationwide to lend his anti-terror expertise and analysis when major terror events take place.

CNN Anchor Carol Costello and Joe Ruffini discussing ISIS ransom demands for hostages.

CNN Anchor Carol Costello and Joe Ruffini discussing ISIS ransom demands for hostages.

CNN Anchor Don Lemon and Joe Ruffini analyze al Qaeda tactics and intent.

CNN Anchor Don Lemon and Joe Ruffini analyze al Qaeda tactics and intent.

CNN Anchor Fredrika Whitfield asks Joe Ruffini what al Qaeda plans to accomplish by its public beheadings.

CNN Anchor Fredrika Whitfield asks Joe Ruffini what al Qaeda plans to accomplish by its public beheadings.

CNN “plugs” When Terror Comes to Main Street.

CNN “plugs” When Terror Comes to Main Street.

JPR Media